Sweet Carl's Pure Honey was established 8 years ago in South Jersey. What began as a cottage business distributed mostly through local fairs has grown into a budding Internet business. Our honey comes from hives in South Jersey and surrounding areas.

We don’t normally get involved in politics. We’re just honey farmers, right? But recent events have us very worried. And not just for ourselves – for everyone.


In addition to producing honey and beeswax, bees pollinate the plants that produce fruits, vegetables and nuts worldwide. Unfortunately pesticide use, parasites and Colony Collapse Disorder have reduced the number of bees available to carry out this important function.


While the population has been dwindling for years, the bee shortage is reaching alarming proportions.  In fact, because bees are vital to 30% of the food supply, some experts predict a global food production crisis. It’s gotten so bad that farmers have started “renting” bees to pollinate their crops, paying beekeepers to put hives right on their farms.


Beekeepers like us have had to step up our annual investment, buying new queens and splitting our hives every year. The recent droughts have made it necessary to feed our bees when there’s not enough natural foliage for them to feed on.


Although the bee die-off remains a scientific mystery, everyone agrees – it’s an ominous sign of an ecosystem in distress.

Life Inside the Hive

Bees Under Siege!